An Express-like HTTP router for Bash compatible with CGI 1.1
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

419 lines
7.7 KiB

2 years ago
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 # false flags nameref params
# ======================
# Required shell options
# ======================
# Necessary for piping to "send" funciton
shopt -s lastpipe
# ===============
# Setup Functions
# ===============
# $1: Log file for redirecting stdout to
function redirectStdout() {
local output="$1";
[ -z "$output" ] && output="/dev/null";
exec 5<&1;
exec 1>>"$_exprashRedirectStdout";
printf '%s: %s\n' "${REQUEST_METHOD:-UNKNOWN}" "${PATH_INFO:-/}"
2 years ago
# =============
# Route Function
2 years ago
# =============
# $1: path
function get() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "GET" ] && return 1;
all "$1";
# $1: path
function post() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "POST" ] && return 1;
all "$1";
# $1: path
function put() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "PUT" ] && return 1;
all "$1";
# $1: path
function delete() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "DELETE" ] && return 1;
all "$1";
# $1: path
function all() {
[ "$_exprashRouteHandled" -eq 1 ] && return 1;
[ -n "$_exprashErrorMessage" ] && return 1;
2 years ago
# Reset params
_pathMatch "$1" _exprashParams || return 1;
2 years ago
2 years ago
return 0;
function use() {
[ "$_exprashRouteHandled" -eq 1 ] && return 1;
[ -n "$_exprashErrorMessage" ] && return 1;
return 0;
# =====================
# Error Route Functions
# =====================
# $1: path
function getError() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "GET" ] && return 1;
allError "$1";
# $1: path
function postError() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "POST" ] && return 1;
allError "$1";
# $1: path
function putError() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "PUT" ] && return 1;
allError "$1";
# $1: path
function deleteError() {
[ "$REQUEST_METHOD" != "DELETE" ] && return 1;
allError "$1";
# $1: path
function allError() {
[ "$_exprashRouteHandled" -eq 1 ] && return 1;
[ -z "$_exprashErrorMessage" ] && return 1;
# Reset params
_pathMatch "$1" _exprashParams || return 1;
2 years ago
return 0;
function useError() {
[ "$_exprashRouteHandled" -eq 1 ] && return 1;
[ -z "$_exprashErrorMessage" ] && return 1;
return 0;
# ====
# Next
# ====
# $1 (optional): error message
2 years ago
function next() {
[ -n "$1" ] && _exprashErrorMessage="$1";
# =============
# App Functions
# =============
function errorMessage() {
printf '%s' "$_exprashErrorMessage";
function hasErrorMessage() {
[ -n "$_exprashErrorMessage" ];
2 years ago
# =================
# Request Functions
# =================
# $1: param name
function param() {
printf '%s\n' "${_exprashParams[$1]}";
2 years ago
function hasParam() {
[[ -v "_exprashParams[$1]" ]];
# $1: key
# $2: (optional) index for accessing array parameters
function query() {
_multiGet _exprashQuery "$1" "$2"
# $1: key
function hasQuery() {
_multiHas _exprashQuery "$1"
# $1: key
function lenQuery() {
_multiLen _exprashQuery "$1"
# $1: key
# $2: (optional) index for accessing array parameters
function body() {
_multiGet _exprashBody "$1" "$2"
# $1: key
function hasBody() {
_multiHas _exprashBody "$1"
# $1: key
function lenBody() {
_multiLen _exprashBody "$1"
# Call this function to parse URLencoded request bodies
function bodyParser() {
if [[ "${HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE,,}" == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ]]; then
_parseUrlEncoded _exprashBody
# ==================
# Response Functions
# ==================
function send() {
if [ "$_exprashHeadersSent" -eq 0 ]; then
function sendJson() {
setHeader 'Content-Type' 'application/json'
# $1: Path
function redirect() {
local path="$1"
if [ "$path" == 'back' ]; then
status '302'
setHeader 'Location' "$path"
printf 'Redirecting to: %s' "$path" | send
# $1: satus code
function status() {
setHeader "Status" "$1"
# $1: Header Name
# $2: Header Value
function setHeader() {
function sendHeaders() {
printf '%s\n' "Content-Type: ${_exprashHeaders['Content-Type']}" | _sendRaw
for key in "${!_exprashHeaders[@]}"; do
[ "$key" == 'Content-Type' ] && continue
printf '%s\n' "${key}: ${_exprashHeaders[$key]}" | _sendRaw
printf '\n' | _sendRaw
2 years ago
# =========
# Internals
# =========
function _sendRaw() {
[ -n "$_exprashRedirectStdout" ] && exec >&5;
[ -n "$_exprashRedirectStdout" ] && exec 1>>"$_exprashRedirectStdout";
2 years ago
# $1: path
# $2: (nameref) array
function _pathToArray() {
2 years ago
readarray -t "$2" < <(printf '%s\n' "$1" | tr '/' '\n' | grep .);
# $1: route
# $2: (nameref) associative array for params
function _pathMatch() {
2 years ago
[ -z ${PATH_INFO+x} ] && return 1;
[ -z ${1+x} ] && return 1;
local path="$PATH_INFO";
local route="$1";
# Params associative array
local -n routeParams="$2";
2 years ago
local pathArr;
_pathToArray "$path" pathArr;
2 years ago
local routeArr;
_pathToArray "$route" routeArr;
2 years ago
# Get max path length
local routeLen=${#routeArr[@]};
local pathLen=${#pathArr[@]};
local maxLen=$(( routeLen >= pathLen ? routeLen : pathLen ));
2 years ago
for ((i=0; i<maxLen; i++)); do
2 years ago
local routeComponent="${routeArr[$i]}";
local pathComponent="${pathArr[$i]}";
# If route component starts with ":"
if [[ "$routeComponent" == :* ]]; then
elif [[ "$routeComponent" == '*' ]] && [ -n "$pathComponent" ]; then
elif [[ "$routeComponent" == '**' ]] && [ -n "$pathComponent" ]; then
2 years ago
# Confirm paths match
[ "$routeComponent" != "$pathComponent" ] && return 1;
return 0;
# ==================================
# Multi-dimensional Parameter Arrays
# ==================================
# $1: (nameref) associative array
# $2: key
# $3: value
function _multiAdd() {
local -n multiArr="$1"
local key="$2"
local value="$3"
local i=0
while [[ -v "multiArr[$i,$key]" ]]; do
let i++
# $1: (nameref) associative array
# $2: key
function _multiLen() {
local -n multiArr="$1"
local key="$2"
local value="$3"
local i=0
while [[ -v "multiArr[$i,$key]" ]]; do
let i++
printf '%s' "$i"
# $1: (nameref) associative array
# $2: key
function _multiHas() {
local -n multiArr="$1"
local key="$2"
[[ -v "multiArr[0,$key]" ]]
# $1: (nameref) associative array
# $2: key
# $3: index
function _multiGet() {
local -n multiArr="$1"
local key="$2"
local i="${3:-0}";
printf '%s' "${multiArr[$i,$key]}"
# ==================
# URL Encoded Parser
# ==================
# $1: urlencoded string
decodeUri () {
local i="${*//+/ }";
echo -e "${i//%/\\x}";
# $1: multi associative array
function _parseUrlEncoded() {
local -n parsedArr="$1"
while IFS= read -d '&' -r pair || [ "$pair" ]; do
name=$(decodeUri "${pair%%=*}")
value=$(decodeUri "${pair#*=}")
if [ -n "$name" ]; then
_multiAdd parsedArr "$name" "$value"
2 years ago
# =======
# Globals
# =======
# Setup globals
# Route Parameters
declare -gA _exprashParams
# Body Parameters
declare -gA _exprashBody
# Query Parameters
declare -gA _exprashQuery
# Headers
declare -gA _exprashHeaders
function _exprashResetRouteGlobals() {
# Set up route globals
# ==============
# Initialization
# ==============
# Parse query string
_parseUrlEncoded _exprashQuery < <(echo "$QUERY_STRING")