SafetyVantage Coding Challenge
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.9 KiB

import { GamesLog } from "./logging/games_log.js";
import { Tournament } from "./tournament/tournament.js";
import { Board } from "./game/board.js";
import { RankingReport } from "./reports/ranking_report.js";
import { BaseError } from "./common_errors/base_error.js";
import { ArgParse } from "./utils/arg_parse.js";
function printUsage() {
console.log("Usage: npm start -- boardFile gameLogFile [options]");
console.log(" options:");
console.log(" -h --help Print this message");
console.log(" -m --maxPlayersPerGame Maximum players per game");
console.log(" -d --debug Print stack trace on error");
async function main() {
// Process command line arguments
if (ArgParse.getBooleanArg("h", "help")) return printUsage();
const boardFilename = ArgParse.getStringArg(2);
if (!boardFilename) return printUsage();
const gameLogFilename = ArgParse.getStringArg(3);
if (!gameLogFilename) return printUsage();
const maxPlayersPerGame =
ArgParse.getIntegerArg("m", "maxPlayersPerGame") ?? 2;
// Set up tournament
const board = await Board.loadFromFile(boardFilename);
const tournament = new Tournament(board, { maxPlayersPerGame });
// Retrieve game events
const gamesLog = new GamesLog();
await gamesLog.loadFile(gameLogFilename);
const gameEvents = await gamesLog.readEvents();
// Process game events
// Generate and print report
const rankingReport = new RankingReport(tournament);
try {
await main();
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof BaseError) {
const printTrace = ArgParse.getBooleanArg("d", "debug");
if (printTrace) {
} else {
console.log(`Error: ${err.message}`);
} else {
// Non-Application Error, re-throw
throw err;