import { Stream } from "./stream.js"; import { readFile } from "fs/promises"; type Options = { quotes: string[]; delimeter: string; headers: T; }; export class CSVParser { quotes: string[] = ['"', "'"]; delimeter: string = ","; headers: boolean = false; constructor(options: Partial> = {}) { Object.assign(this, options); } async parseFile(filename: string, encoding: BufferEncoding = "utf-8") { const data = await readFile(filename, { encoding, }); return this.parse(data); } parse(str: string) { return this.parseStream(new Stream(str)); } private parseStream( stream: Stream ): T extends true ? Array<{ [key: string]: string }> : string[] { const lines = []; let firstLine: string[] | undefined; while (!stream.eof) { const line = this.parseLine(stream); if (this.headers) { if (firstLine !== undefined) { const headers = firstLine; lines.push( line.reduce((obj: { [key: string]: string }, value, index) => { obj[ index < headers.length ? headers[index] : `column_${index + 1}` ] = value; return obj; }, {}) ); } else { firstLine = line; } } else { lines.push(line); } if (stream.eof) break; const next = stream.peek(); if (next === "\r") {; if (stream.peek() === "\n") {; } continue; } else if (next === "\n") {; continue; } } return lines as T extends true ? Array<{ [key: string]: string }> : string[]; } private parseLine(stream: Stream) { const values = []; while (!stream.eof) { values.push(this.parseValue(stream)); if (stream.eof) break; const next = stream.peek(); if (next === this.delimeter) {; } else if (["\r", "\n"].includes(next)) { break; } else { stream.panic(`Unexpected character: "${next}"`); } } return values; } private parseValue(stream: Stream) { let str = ""; const spaces = stream.readSpaces(); const next = stream.peek(); if (this.quotes.includes(next)) { str += this.parseQuotedString(stream); // Read and discard trailing spaces stream.readSpaces(); } else { // If a string is not quoted, spaces are assumed to be part of the value str += spaces + stream.readUntil("\r", "\n", this.delimeter); } return str; } private parseQuotedString(stream: Stream) { const end =; let str = ""; while (!stream.eof) { const chunk = stream.readUntil(end); str += chunk;; if (stream.peek() === end) {; str += end; } else { break; } } return str; } }