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1 year ago
Monkey 0:
Starting items: 54, 98, 50, 94, 69, 62, 53, 85
Operation: new = old * 13
Test: divisible by 3
If true: throw to monkey 2
If false: throw to monkey 1
Monkey 1:
Starting items: 71, 55, 82
Operation: new = old + 2
Test: divisible by 13
If true: throw to monkey 7
If false: throw to monkey 2
Monkey 2:
Starting items: 77, 73, 86, 72, 87
Operation: new = old + 8
Test: divisible by 19
If true: throw to monkey 4
If false: throw to monkey 7
Monkey 3:
Starting items: 97, 91
Operation: new = old + 1
Test: divisible by 17
If true: throw to monkey 6
If false: throw to monkey 5
Monkey 4:
Starting items: 78, 97, 51, 85, 66, 63, 62
Operation: new = old * 17
Test: divisible by 5
If true: throw to monkey 6
If false: throw to monkey 3
Monkey 5:
Starting items: 88
Operation: new = old + 3
Test: divisible by 7
If true: throw to monkey 1
If false: throw to monkey 0
Monkey 6:
Starting items: 87, 57, 63, 86, 87, 53
Operation: new = old * old
Test: divisible by 11
If true: throw to monkey 5
If false: throw to monkey 0
Monkey 7:
Starting items: 73, 59, 82, 65
Operation: new = old + 6
Test: divisible by 2
If true: throw to monkey 4
If false: throw to monkey 3