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56 lines
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1 year ago
import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs';
const input = readFileSync('input', 'utf-8');
const cycles = input
.filter(line => line)
.flatMap((() => {
let x = 1;
return (line) => {
if (line.startsWith('noop')) {
return [x];
if (line.startsWith('addx')) {
const add = parseInt(line.substring(5));
if (isNaN(add)) {
throw new Error('Invalid value for addx');
const result = [x, x];
x += add;
return result;
const sumOfSignalStrengths = [20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220]
.map(c => {
const x = cycles[c - 1];
const strength = c * x;
return strength;
.reduce((total, strength) => total + strength);
`The sum of observed signal strengths is: ${sumOfSignalStrengths}`
const render = cycles
.map((x, c) => {
const scanPos = c % 40;
return [x - 1, x, x + 1].some(pixelPos => pixelPos === scanPos);
.reduce((display, pixelVisible, c) => {
const scanLine = Math.floor(c / 40);
if (!display[scanLine]) {
display[scanLine].push(pixelVisible ? '#' : ' ');
return display;
}, [])
.map(scanLine => scanLine.join(''))
console.log('Display output:');